Saturday, August 9, 2014

French Camp in Quebec!!!!!

Hey Everyone!!!!!! :) Sorry for not blogging anything sooner. :( I have been really wanting to, but I've been really busy..... So, to make it up to all of you, I will present to you....... A picture marathon! From the time I was in Montreal in June until now. Unfortunately, I am going to camp for a whole week as a counselor-in-training, so you are going to have to wait a week for the picture marathon. Sorry :(. If you have read the Who I Am page then you know that I live in the only French province of Canada. The camp that I am going to is north of Quebec City, so it is not too far from where I live. The funny thing is that it is an all-French camp ( and I only speak English....). However, I believe this is a good opportunity to meet new people and to have a French immersion experience. So......wish me luck :)!