Welcome to My Blog!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Hey Everyone!!! Jack, Dad, Mom, and I are now on the way to get our new puppy, Bella! I will be posting pictures of her when we get her!

Monday, November 17, 2014


Hey Everyone :) I have some terrific news!!! The snow has finally got here! The day before yesterday there was nothing on the ground. The grass was emerald green with a tint of tan popping out here and there. The snow has been falling continuously for the past two days. So now we have a very thick layer of whiteness. The trees look as if they are holding cotton. Also, at night it shines very bright, and it almost seems as if it is day light outside. It is simply beautiful. It is as if diamonds were drifting down from the sky and took flight at the gentlest of breezes. The sky is a grey blanket that coats the sky, and the sun a shining pearl. I like to think that God made the snow to remind us of the Immaculate Conception, because it is so pure and gentle.  

Friday, October 17, 2014

Etsy Shop 2015

Hey Everyone!!! I am starting a shop on the Etsy website! I can not wait to start putting different stuff on there! My shop will officially open February 16, 2015. I will be posting the link to my shop, when it opens, on my blog. :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Puppy News!!!

Hey Everyone!! I have just heard from my Dad that our new puppy, Bella, was born this past Saturday!!!! Isn't that great?! I will be posting videos and pics when we get her :D

This is what she will look like :D:

Art Masterpiece Page!!

Hey Everyone!!!! Run by my new  Art Masterpiece Page and have a look at my new works of art!!! Leave a comment below if you like the pieces of art or if you have an idea of what you would want like for me to draw and then post on the blog :D

Monday, October 6, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Wisdom Teeth: Mission Complete!

Hey Everyone!!! Thank you so much for all of your prayers. Thanks to your prayers, I am now fully recovered and ready to go again! As could be expected, I was pretty exhausted the first couple of days. Also, because of the medication I was taking, my memory is very unclear as to what happened during those first couple of days. When mom and I arrived at the doctors office, I was trembling with fear. I broke into a cold sweat and began to lose color in my face. Dreading the voice of the nurse calling my name, I tried to distract myself by looking out the window and watching the TV. However, when I was called, I froze. Trembling, I followed the nurse who lead me to my room. My anxiety must have been obvious because I found out later that I had received medicine for anxiety. After taking the medication, I finally began to calm down and became aware of my surroundings. Unfortunately, it was going to be another 5 to 10 minutes until they began the operation. When it had begun, however, I was still somewhat awake. The funny thing was I had finally lost the anxiety altogether, and actually thought that my gums being cut open, my teeth being removed, and finally stitched back together was actually very humorous. But, I will spare you with the gruesome details...... When the operation was over, I was lead slowly to a comfortable room that had three to four separate stalls (for privacy), and was seated in a very comfortable lazy boy chair. (It was probably one of the most comfortable chairs I have ever sat in before!) It was long and black, leaning slightly in the back. After being seated, the nurse asked if I needed anything. I shook my head slowly, trying my best to tell her that I was just as content to close my eyes and relax in this wonderful chair. A little later, mom was called back and began to discuss with the nurse the details on my recovery. Mom told me later that the surgery had taken longer than it was supposed to. My two bottom teeth had been rooted to the jaw, and would have cause many problems if they had been taken out next Spring (which was our initial plan). Because of this, it had taken a little longer than expected. However, one of my wisdom teeth on the top came out so easily, that we got a discount! (Hah!)  I was very happy to hear this after my recovery, because I was very upset when I first heard the cost of the operation. Nothing much happened after that. After mom had discussed what she needed to with the nurse, I was slowly led out of the room to the car that was parked in the very front of the parking lot (we had been very lucky!). I don't remember much of the car ride. I know, however, that I could see perfectly well and could comprehend everything said. The only thing that was really wrong with me was trembled and was exhausted. I was laid on the couch, where mom sat with me, giving me medication and encouraging me to drink. Every day after that was better than the last, and by the following Friday I was ready to go again. I could not have done it without all of your prayers. I went back three days after the operation, on Monday, and was told by the surgeon that he was very impressed with my recovery. Also, he told me that he had expected to see more bruising and swelling, but that I looked very good. After hearing this, I was as happy as I could be. Giggling, I told mom what I had heard, She agreed that I looked better than had been expected. Until next time.  See you then, and God bless! :D

Friday, September 12, 2014

Wisdom Teeth Adventure!!!

Hey everyone!!! I have a huge favor to ask all of you. I am going to have my wisdom teeth pulled today at 10:10 AM, and need as many prayers as I can get!! Please pray for me!!!

Thanks So Much!!!! May God Bless you Always! :)

Saturday, August 9, 2014

French Camp in Quebec!!!!!

Hey Everyone!!!!!! :) Sorry for not blogging anything sooner. :( I have been really wanting to, but I've been really busy..... So, to make it up to all of you, I will present to you....... A picture marathon! From the time I was in Montreal in June until now. Unfortunately, I am going to camp for a whole week as a counselor-in-training, so you are going to have to wait a week for the picture marathon. Sorry :(. If you have read the Who I Am page then you know that I live in the only French province of Canada. The camp that I am going to is north of Quebec City, so it is not too far from where I live. The funny thing is that it is an all-French camp ( and I only speak English....). However, I believe this is a good opportunity to meet new people and to have a French immersion experience. So......wish me luck :)!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Short Film Ideas

Hey Everyone! I am planning something amazing this summer! I am going to be making short films this summer with a friend here in Canada! However, we need your help in thinking up some great ideas! We are going towards the mystery and history genres. So please put all of your ideas in the comment box below, and check out my channel on youtube this summer  to see if your ideas are in the short films. Here is the URL for my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLViooE-pH7TwJzNawPzOxA. Unfortunately, I am still working on making my channel cooler. So I apologize about how bad it may look to you. Thanks so much! :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Puppy Adventure :)

Hey Everyone! This past weekend, my family and I have been checking out some breeders for the right puppy for us. We went to two breeders. The first one had been doing it for over 30 years and have won several awards for their dogs. The name of the first breeder is Chablais Labradors. The second breeder was not as professional as the first, so we decided to go with the first, Chablais Labradors. Well here is a picture and a video of the puppies that were 4 weeks old. Enjoy :)!

                                         (above) Jack waving to the puppies. (We were not
                                           allowed to touch them because they had not been
                                                               vaccinated yet).

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Please Pray for Jack

Hey Everyone! I have some sad news :( Jack, my little brother has fractured his elbow socket and has to go back to the hospital to be checked by the surgeon to see if he needs surgery. He goes in tomorrow morning and would love to have your prayers. Please let him know that you are praying for him in the comments box below. Thank you for all your prayers.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy Easter Everyone!!!!!

Hey Everyone :) Happy Easter :) I am thrilled to share with you our Easter Sunday adventure.


                                              (above) Jack and I dyeing eggs :)

                                               (above) Me preparing the Easter ham.

                                              (above) Make a lemon pound cake.
                                             (above) And voila!!! It is finished!

                                        (all below) Easter lunch and afternoon with Mr. Luke,
                                                 Mr. Frank, and Mrs. Marianne with baby Rebecca.

                                      (above) Mr. Frank (on left) and Mr. Luke (on right).
                                       And, if you were wondering, they are not brothers.

(above) Rebecca on her first Easter egg hunt :)

Hope all of you had as much of a happy Easter as we did :)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Saint Patrick's Day :)

Hey Everyone!!! After a very long delay I am going to share with pictures of the St. Patrick's Day Banquet and Parade! Here they are! Enjoy and please let me know how you like the pictures!