Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Etsy Shop 2015

Hey Everyone!!! Sorry for not posting anything lately. I promise to do better! That shall be my New Years Resolution! Yes! I will do better! Really! You just wait and see!!! Anyway, I just wanted to remind you that I am going to be opening my Etsy shop on January 24th!!! Yeah!!!! I had to wait until I was 18 (that is really the main reason I had to wait a long time :P). The products that will be for sale in my shop will mainly consist of crochet fashion and homemade soaps. I will not be able to sell the soaps until the summer because I will be using lye. If you have been looking at the weather for eastern Canada, you know that it hasn't exactly been very warm and I can not make the soaps inside our home. So, I have to wait until the summer to make the soap outside. The soaps should be available around the middle to the end of June. I will certainly let you know! I promise! :D Also, the crochet stuff will probably not be available until the end of February or the beginning of March. When the shop officially opens, I will put the link on my blog. Hope to see you there!